Guitar Hero World Tour is a first step in a whole new direction for Wii though, and it's that blending of a very fun music game and a pile of new technology worked that puts this game in the must-buy category on Wii. There isn't enough space in our fridge - meaning that Nintendo's console has less than half a gig of storage space internally, and that's used for WiiWare, Virtual Console, Channels, and save data - so the thought of downloadable content or expanded gameplay is about as far from most gamers' minds as you can get. We all know the technical limitations that come with working on Wii, and they're issues that hardcore Nintendo fans - especially those that don't want to invest in a second or third system this generation - are having to deal with time and time again. Yes, World Tour has some definite things that need changing, and if it was about your 360/PS3 experience, I'd suggest you at least try to transition into Rock Band as well as Guitar Hero - even if you're like me, and a long-time Guitar Hero supporter - as there are a few things in that game that outrank Activision's latest offering, but on Wii specifically, Neversoft had a wildcard, and its name is Vicarious Visions. I personally agree with those issues, but when you step into the realm of Wii, things change in a big way. By now you've undoubtedly seen our 360/PS3 review of World Tour (or if you haven't, you should click on over and check it out) and have seen that our sister sites have all but confirmed that Rock Band 2 takes the prize for this generation, due to some odd band-making issues, interface problems, and general continuity that World Tour just doesn't seem to have out the gate. In the end though, everyone's going to wonder which music game is the best, and that's something that may take a few iterations for us to seriously figure out. The music genre is, for the first time in gaming history, pushing the industry just as hard as sports games, or titles like GTA, and that's a huge success for everyone involved.